If you've made a purchase on behalf of or for the benefit of StudSec you can request a reimbursement. The process of which is outlined in this document.
Please double check with the treasurer before making any purchase for which you would like to be reimbursed. Not doing so means your reimbursement request will most likely be rejected
Requesting a reimbursement
To request a reimbursement make a copy of the template which can be found here. Then send it, along with any related documents (pdfs, pictures, etc) to
The reimbursement request is required to contain proof-of-purchase receipts that contain only StudSec purchases listed in the table above. If you are no longer able to produce a receipt only containing these items please contact the treasurer, if you have no receipt at all then we can unfortunately not reimburse you.
In the document itself please list the attachments included, both the file name and a short description.
At the end of the document please provide your signature, this may be one of the following:
Physical signature (acquired by printing, signing and then scanning)Picture of a signatureSignature created in paint (or equivalent)
If your feeling especially creative you may also include a PGP signature of all text in the document (ASCII encoded, spaces and newlines removed). The board or Scroogecie have no obligation to verify this signature.