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House Rules

  1. 1. Members

    1. 1.1.1. The request for admission as an ordinary member shall only be 
      granted after membership fee has been paid, upon which they become a 
      candidate member.

    2. A candidate member becomes a full ordinary member upon 
      attendance of a GA or having a proxy attend on their behalf.

    3. A candidate member retains all the same rights as an ordinary 
      member, but does not contribute to the minimum member attendance for 
      a GA decision to be valid.

    4. 1.1.3 Does not apply for motions to dissolve the association. 

    5. 1.2.

The membership ends, unless otherwise agreed upon, at the end of the 
academic year.


No membership fee will be refunded upon termination of membership.


The rights of ordinary members are:

    1.4.1. To participate in member-only activities and events.

    1.4.2. To attend general assemblies, and to speak and put forward 
    proposals in them.

    1.4.3. To call for general assemblies as detailed in article 13.4 of 
    the statutes.

    1.4.4. To exercise voting rights in general assemblies.

    1.4.5. To interpellate the board during general assemblies.

  6. 1.5.

    1. 1.5.1. Individuals who require temporary membership to access the 
      benefits of StudSec, such as non-member board members or 
      committee advisors, will have an extraordinary membership that 
      concludes when their role ends.

    2. The request for admission as an extraordinary member shall 
      only be granted through a general assembly decision following a 
      proposal by the board.

    3. 4

      1.5.3. The rights of extraordinary members are the same as those of 
      ordinary members. But do not have the rights detailed in articles 
      1.4.3 and 1.4.4.

    1. 1.6.1. The rights of Honorary Members are to attend general assemblies 
      and to participate in association activities, unless specified otherwise by 
      the event description.

    2. Honorary members are exempt from membership dues.

    3. An individual may be appointed as an honorary member provided they 
      meet one or more of the following criteria:

      1. They have contributed effort to association activities 
        over a number of years;

      2. They have actively participated in association activities 
        and attained a certain social status within the association as a
        1.6.3.C. result; 

      3. The association has frequently and successfully relied 
        upon their support. 

      4. 1.6.4.

    4. The final decision regarding the acceptance of a person as an 
      honorary member shall be made by the general assembly.

    5. 1.7.

    1. 1.7.1. Members of Merit have the same rights, entitlements and restrictions 
      as Honorary members specified in 1.6

    2. 1.8.

    1. 1.8.1. Donor Members have the right to attend general assemblies and 
      participate in association activities, unless otherwise specified by the 
      event description.

    2. Donor members are recognized by the board, after they make a 
      financial, unconditional, contribution to the association, of at least 10 
      times the normal membership fee.

    3. Donorship ends under the following conditions:

      1. With the death of the donor;

      2. With the termination of the donorship by the donor;

      3. With the termination of the donorship by the
        1.8.3.D. association;

      4. At the end of the academic year in which a donation 
        was last made.

      5. 1.8.4.

    4. When donorship automatically ends in accordance with Article 1.8.3, 
      the board can decide upon extending the donorship until the end of the 
      next academic year, if the last donation was done shortly before the end 
      of the academic year.


    1. 1.9.1. Reunionists have the right to attend events which explicitly specify 
      their eligibility.

    2. An individual may be appointed as a reunionist provided they meet 
      the following criteria:

      1. They have previously held a membership category 
        within the association.

      2. They have demonstrated ongoing interest and 
        participation in the association’s activities post-membership.

    3. The final decision regarding the acceptance of a person as a 
      reunionist shall be made by the general assembly following a proposal by 
      the board.

    4. Reunionists are recognized for maintaining their connection and 
      engagement with the association even after the conclusion of their initial
      1.9.5. membership.

    5. Reunionist status can be terminated under the following conditions:

      1. - With the death of the reunionist.

      2. - With the termination of reunionist status by the
        1.9.5.C. reunionist.

      3. - With the termination of reunionist status by the 

      4. 1.9.6.

    6. Reunionist status may be extended or reinstated based on continued 
      interest and participation in the association’s activities and subject to 
      approval by the board and general assembly.

  1. 2. The board


The board is tasked with the explanation and upkeep of the statutes and house rules, 
and with the implementation of decisions made by the general assembly. The board is 
accountable to the general assembly.


The tasks of every board member are to be discussed with their fellow board members, 
with the constraint that at least all the following tasks are to be fulfilled:

  1. Coordination of all proceedings.

  2. Chairing all board meetings and general assemblies.

  3. 6

    2.2.3. Taking Minutes

    1. Taking minutes of all board meetings.

    2. Taking minutes of all general assemblies.

  4. Managing all correspondence, both incoming and outgoing.

  5. Announcing all general assemblies.

  6. Managing member administration.

  7. Collecting and managing funds, as well as maintaining accurate
    2.2.8. bookkeeping.

  8. Making a budget at the start of the financial year, as well as making a 
    financial statement at the end of it.

  9. Making a yearly report or summary of activities.

  10. Presenting an overview of the current financial situation to the 
    Financial Committee at the end of the board year.

  11. Making sure that StudSec has a board.

  12. Ensuring the board transition.

  13. Ensuring the wellbeing of the members within the association.

It also applies that tasks 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 are part of the function of chairperson, tasks 
2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.2.5, and 2.2.6 are part of the function of secretary, and tasks 2.2.7 and 
2.2.8 are part of the function of treasurer.


Before the 21st of November of every calendar year, a general assembly is to be called. 
The following points will be discussed there:


  1. The presentation of the budget for the coming book year, preferably 
    presented by the treasurer.

  2. The explicit opportunity for the general assembly to apply changes to 
    the presented budget.

  3. A vote to approve the presented budget and the changes proposed by 
    the general assembly.

  4. Only board members are required to be introduced as per article 
    12.2.C of the statutes. 

At this general assembly, points 2.3.1 to 2.3.3 are to be settled before any other 
substantive matters.


For non-budgeted expenses that amount to a minimum of 1000€ or 25% of the yearly 
budget, the board needs the approval of the general assembly.


  1. 2.5.

In the case that vacancies arise in the board that cannot be filled internally, the board is 
to fill the vacancies as stipulated according to the statutes.


  1. 3. Committees

  2. 3.1.

If deemed necessary or desirable, a committee may be instituted for the purposes of 
organising activities or performing duties. A committee can be created by either:


  1. The Board

  2. The General Assembly


If deemed necessary or desirable, a committee may be disbanded for the purposes of 
financial or operational stability and upkeep, or due to a conflict with the interests of the 
association, its statutes, or its rules, or if a committee is no longer needed, if it served its 
purpose, for example. A committee may be disbanded by either:


  1. The Board

  2. The General Assembly. 

In the event that a committee is disbanded, any budget allocated to it shall be 
reallocated at the discretion of the Treasurer. A decision for disbandment of a committee 
by the board may be appealed to the General Assembly.


The board is responsible for the actions of a committee and the committee must thus 
account to the board.


To ensure better communication between the board and committees, a board member 
will be appointed as liaison for every committee, who is tasked with facilitating 
communication between the board and that committee.


The financial activities of the committees account to the Treasurer.


  1. 3.6.

The composition and the division of tasks of each committee must be laid down and 
made available at all times to members of the committee who wish to take cognizance of 

  1. Financial committee


Members of the board are excluded from admission into the financial committee. If a 
member of the financial committee becomes a member of the board, their membership 
of the financial committee is terminated.


The financial committee for the coming book year is decided during the general 
assembly referred to in article 19 of the statutes.


The financial committee is to be disbanded after approval of the final yearly financial 
report by the general assembly.



  1. General assemblies

  2. 5.1.

    1. 5.1.1.
      1. A general assembly is to be called:


  1. When the statutes or house rules prescribe one.

  2. When the board considers one necessary.

  3. When a written request is signed by as many members 
    as is statutorily stipulated, with a statement of points that are to be 
    discussed, submitted to the secretary. The board is to follow up on 
    this request within ten business days.

  1. 5.1.2. A general assembly shall be convened on any valid day, provided it 
    does not fall during academic holidays, on Sundays, or during exam 

  2. 5.2.

A general assembly must be called for at least ten business days prior to the chosen 
date. The call for a general assembly should take place as follows:


  1. An invitation must be sent to all members that can participate in the 
    general assembly, in accordance with article 13.2 of the statutes.

  2. 5.2.2. All documents relevant to the general assembly, including a 
    preliminary agenda, must be submitted with the aforementioned invitation.

A member can obtain a physical print of the documents by requesting the board, within a 
reasonable time of the start of the General Assembly.

Proposals to amend the statutes or house rules may be submitted by the board or by at 
least as many members as determined in the statutes. A general assembly must be 
convened within thirty business days of submission, wherein the proposals will be voted 



  1. 5.4.1.
    1. The chairperson gives the word to a member when asked. The 
      chairperson is, however, not required to give the word to the same person 
      about the same subject more than three times, barring general assembly 
      appeal. The chairperson has the right to have a member removed from 
      the general assembly, barring general assembly appeal.

    2. The chairperson is to put all motions to a vote, in the order they were 
      submitted to the general assembly, unless the submitter or the general 
      assembly grants an extension as specified in the agenda.

    3. 5.5.

    1. 5.5.1. A general assembly vote can take place by a show of hands, unless 
      anyone present expresses the preference for a written vote. The 
      chairperson decides the procedure in the case of a written vote. The only 
      written votes that are considered as a valid cast vote are ballot sheets 
      that have been filled in by members that are entitled to vote. The 
      established procedure must be complied with.

    2. Written votes are anonymous. Votes involving individuals shall be
      5.5.3. anonymous.

    3. In case of absence, a member can authorise another member to vote 
      on their behalf by writing to the secretary. This person can also express 
      their vote on a specific agenda item.

    4. Votes of abstinence may be conducted by a show of hands as an 
      alternative to article 15.5 of the statutes. 

    5. 5.6.


The minutes of a general assembly are to be published within four weeks of the general 


  1. 6. Transfer

Before the end of every board year, new board members are chosen and steps are 
taken to ensure a smooth board transition. The old board, with the exception of the 
treasurer, is discharged directly after the switching of the board and transfers its powers. 
The treasurer is dismissed from office directly after the switching of the board. The 
treasurer is discharged after the approval of the yearly financial report by the general 

When a new board is to be chosen, the board is to seek applicants. It is to accomplish 
this by searching applicants itself. Every member can also apply as an applicant for the 
new board during the board year until a date decided by the board. This date is to be 
made known to members at least twenty business days before its arrival.


The names of the members of the candidate board are to be presented for at least ten 
business days. The names of the candidates and the period of presentation are made 
known to members in writing.


During the GA where a new board is voted on members may propose a counter board 
and hold a runoff election.


If there are counter-candidates, the board will communicate to the members in writing 
their names, the place and the date of voting. This is to happen at least seventy-two 
hours before the vote. This vote is to be a written vote.



The board is to be chosen by absolute majority of the amount of cast votes. If no one 
has received the absolute majority of votes, a revote will take place between the two 
candidates that have received the most votes. The majority of votes decides in the case 
of a revote. If the votes are tied, another revote will take place.

  1. 7. Social Event rules

  2. 7.1.

StudSec recognizes social events organised in the name of the association (such as 
borrels or Hack N Chills) and their importance as a place and moment for members to 
meet each other.

    1. 7.2.1. The board is always ultimately responsible for the course of a social 
      drink and other events with alcoholic consumptions organised in the name 
      of the association.

    2. During the entire time frame of a drink or other event involving 
      alcoholic consumptions organised in the name of the association at least 
      one person present remains completely sober. At least one person is a 
      board member and must make themselves known to the security of the 
      VU as designated sober duty in the case the event is held on campus.

    3. The designated persons for sober duty are also responsible for 
      maintaining awareness regarding social safety to the best of their ability. 
      Members can report cases of discrimination, harassment, or assault 
      during the event to the sober duty person, who must then report the 
      incidents to the Board. Such reports are always classified and restricted 
      to the Board. In the event that an incident involves a Board member, the 
      sober duty person must report the case to the Social Safety Team of the 

    4. 7.3.

    1. 7.3.1. Members serving alcoholic beverages must recognize intoxicated 
      (drunk) people, must not provide them with more alcoholic beverages and 
      must inform the sober duty.

    2. 14

      7.3.2. During the entire time frame of a social drink or event involving 
      alcoholic consumptions organised in the name of the association, there 
      should always be non-alcoholic beverages available that are cheaper 
      than alcoholic beverages.

    3. Games with the goal of alcoholic consumption are prohibited and it is 
      the boards and the organising committee’s responsibility to enforce this
      7.3.4. rule.

    4. Canal water is provided free of charge to all attendees at all times if 
      tap water is not available.

    5. 8.

  1. Anti-Discrimination and Inclusivity Policies

      1. 8.1.1. Discrimination of any kind shall not be tolerated within the StudSec 
        association. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination based on 
        race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, or socioeconomic
        8.1.2. status.

      2. Any form of harassment or bullying, whether verbal, physical, or 
        online, is strictly prohibited. Members are encouraged to report any 
        incidents of harassment or bullying to the board, or to the designated 
        sober duty person during events.

      3. Members who feel they have been discriminated against or harassed 
        can confidentially report the incident to the board. The board is obligated 
        to investigate all reports and take appropriate action, ensuring the 
        reporting member's safety and privacy.

      4. 8.2.

      1. 8.2.1. Advertisement of certain beliefs, religions, or any content that might 
        make a member feel excluded due to their identity shall not be tolerated 
        or promoted with a bias.

      2. If the association chooses to promote any religious or belief-based 
        content, it must be inclusive and promote all other beliefs equally. The aim 
        is to foster an environment of mutual respect and inclusivity

      3. Official communication channels of the association, including social 
        media, newsletters, and events, should remain neutral and refrain from 
        promoting any single belief, religion, or ideology over others.

      4. All association activities, events, and materials should be accessible 
        to members of all backgrounds and identities, and efforts should be made 
        to accommodate specific needs upon request if it is within the 
        association's control.