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Guide: General Assemblies (GA) for Members of StudSec

This document is beholden to the House Rules and Statutes, in the case of conflicting information the Statutes hold president, followed by the house rules.

This guide is designed to help you understand how General Assemblies (GA) work within StudSec, what powers you have as a member, and what actions you can take. This guide references the Statutes and House Rules for clarity.

Purpose of General Assemblies:

General Assemblies (GA) are integral to the functioning of StudSec, providing a platform for decision-making, member participation, and organizational transparency.

Key Items Discussed During GA:

  1. Motions and proposals
  2. Appeals
  3. Voting of new board members
  4. Introduction of new board members
  5. Financial report (ScroogeCie)
  6. Year reports and plans
  7. Additional agenda items added by the board or by members

Member Powers and Participation

  1. Motions:
  • Submission: Members may submit motions during the GA. The board is not obligated to accept every motion except for a vote of no confidence supported by 30% of members (Art. 11.2.e of the Statutes).
  • Procedure: Motions can cover a range of topics relevant to the association. They are discussed and voted upon during the GA.
  1. Proposals:
  • Submission: Written proposals should be sent to at least 6 days before the GA (House Rule 5.2.2).
  • Procedure: The board considers these proposals, which can then be discussed and voted upon during the GA.
  • Content Requirements: Each proposal must include:
    • Title: A clear and concise title for the proposal.
    • Purpose: The objective or reason for the proposal.
    • Details: A thorough explanation or description of the proposal.
    • Rationale: Justification for why the proposal should be adopted.
    • Expected Impact: The anticipated effect on the association and its members.
    • Supporting Documents: Any additional materials or evidence that support the proposal.
  1. Appeals:
  • Right to Appeal: Every StudSec member can appeal a board decision regarding their membership or status within the association (Statutes Art. 22).
  • Procedure: Appeals are brought to the GA and voted upon by the members.

General Assembly Protocol


  • Timing: The GA is announced at least 10 days in advance, including time, date, preliminary agenda, and general location (Statutes Art. 13.2).
  • Follow-Up: A second announcement includes the final agenda, submitted proposals, and the exact location of the GA.

Submitting Proposals:

  • Deadline: Proposals must be sent to up to 6 days before the GA as specified in House Rule 5.2.2.


  • Through the Chair: All discussions go through the chair. Raise your hand and wait for your turn to speak. The chair may limit speaking turns to ensure the meeting remains orderly.


  • Procedures: Votes take place by a show of hands unless anyone requests a written vote (Statutes Art. 15.5.1).
  • Board Dismissal: During a vote, if a show of hands results in abstinence, this alternative method helps ensure fairness (House Rule 5.5.4).
  • Proxies: In case of absence, you may authorize another member to vote on your behalf by informing the Secretary (Statutes Art. 14.4).

Important Articles for Reference

  • Article 13: Bijeenroeping General Assembly
  • Article 11: Einde van het lidmaatschap
  • Article 23: Statutenwijziging
  • House Rule 1: Members
  • House Rule 5: General Assemblies
  • Statutes Art. 22: Rechtspraak

Tips for Effective Participation

  • Review Agenda: Familiarize yourself with the final agenda and documents sent before the GA.
  • Submit Early: Send proposals and motions well before the deadlines to ensure they are considered.
  • Engage Actively: Participate in discussions, ask questions, and cast your votes.

This guide helps you navigate your role within StudSec and actively engage in General Assemblies. Your participation is crucial for the vibrant and democratic operation of our association.